
Despite the fact that it has not been possible to agree on a new interprofessional minimum wage for 2023, we do have a Budget Law and important innovations in fiscal and social matters to try to alleviate the economic and social consequences of the war.


This first circular will be dedicated to exposing the labor and social measures. We will detail the economic and fiscal measures in the next days.

  1. The interprofessional minimum wage of 2022 is extended pending the resumption of negotiations with the social partners. Therefore, the minimum contribution base for 2023 remains, provisionally, at €1166.70 per month. Once the SMI increase is agreed, it will come into force retroactively from 01.01.2023. This will imply an increase in the minimum contribution base.
  2. The maximum social security contribution base is increased to €4495.50 per month.
  3. The application for 2023 of the system for reducing contributions due to professional contingencies is suspended for companies that have reduced the number of accidents at work.
  4. The intergenerational equity mechanism comes into force to try to guarantee the sustainability of the current pension system. An additional contribution of 0.6% is applied (0.5% paid by the company and 0.1% paid by the worker).
  5. Public pensions are revalued according to the average CPI of the last 12 months of the year (8.46%). The maximum contributory pension for 2023 is set at €3,058.80 for 14 monthly payments. The supplement of €28 per month for the reduction of the gender gap is also updated with the CPI.
  6. Non-contributory pensions and the minimum living income are increased by 15%.
  7. IPREM increases by 3.6% and is set at €600 per month or €20 per day.
  8. The benefit for contributory unemployment is improved, so that, from the seventh month, the worker will receive 60% of the regulatory base. Until 31.12.2022 the percentage was 50%.
  9. The aid of €250 per month for young rent and the cultural bonus of €400 for young people who turn 18 in 2023 are extended.
  10. Local and medium-distance public transport remains free.
  11. Help of €200 for vulnerable families whose income in 2022 has not exceeded €27,000 and whose assets are less than €75,000. Pensioners, recipients of the minimum vital income and members and administrators of commercial companies are expressly excluded as beneficiaries.
  12. Reduction of VAT on essential products:

0%: Bread, flour, eggs, milk, cheese, fruit, vegetables, legumes, tubers and cereals. (The rate will return to 4% from May 2023 if core inflation in March is below 5.5%).

5%: Oil and paste. (The rate will return to 10% from May 2023 if core inflation in March is below 5.5%).

4%: Pads, condoms and feminine hygiene products.

  1. The reduction of €0.20/liter of hydrocarbons is maintained until 31.03.2023 only for transport companies, ships and farmers. From 1 April and until 30.06.2023 the reduction will be €0.10/litre.
  2. The increase in rental prices is limited, until 31.12.2023, which, under no circumstances, may exceed 2%. Owners may request compensation for the economic damage caused by the measure.
  3. Housing rental contracts that expire between January 1 and June 30, 2023 will have a mandatory extension of 6 months.
  4. Until 30.06.2023, the eviction procedures of vulnerable families without alternative housing will be suspended.
  5. During the first 6 months of 2023, the reductions applied to energy and electricity will be maintained. The price of the butane cylinder is frozen and the cutting of supplies (electricity, natural gas and water) to vulnerable families is prohibited throughout the year 2023.
  6. Direct aid for the agricultural and fishing sector to offset costs derived from increases in fertilizers, seeds and feed.
  7. Companies and self-employed persons who have benefited from aid or loans that must be repaid during 2023 may apply for deferment.
  8. The legal interest on money is set at 3.25% and the interest on late payment at 4.0625%.


So far the news in the labor and social sphere. We will shortly send you a summary of the approved measures in fiscal and tax matters.

Happy New Year!